Attention Getter #1
Teacher says "I need your attention in FIVE.... " with hand held high with five fingers extended. Then counts down with her hand from five fingers to one. Students are to be quiet and attentive in 5 seconds.
Attention Getter #2
When needing to get the attention of groups during small group discussion teacher says
"Time to REGROUP...." with hand held in a fist overhead. Students are to stop group discussion and focus on the teacher while waiting for the next task.
"Time to REGROUP...." with hand held in a fist overhead. Students are to stop group discussion and focus on the teacher while waiting for the next task.
Attention Getter #3
Teacher says "Time for BUBBA... " and gets 'BUBBA' in hand and clip board to take notes. When students see that the teacher has 'BUBBA' and clip board in hand, they are to quiet down to avoid being noted on the clip board. Only those in possession of 'BUBBA' are to speak. BUBBA is a huge koosh ball that gets tossed around. If someone wants to participate or share they raise their hand and wait for BUBBA to be tossed to them. When they get BUBBA they can talk, while everyone else has to be quiet. When they're done, they can toss BUBBA to another student. If a student talks or blurts out without BUBBA, their name gets noted on the clipboard.